Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) Consultant Pune, Company, FP&A Service Providers in Pune


Factsheet Inc. is among the major best financial planning and analysis companies and has been working domestically as well as internationally in countries like US, UK, China, France, Switzerland, Europe, Australia, UAE, Germany, Hong Kong, India etc. that provides you the financial planning and analysis solutions which would help you to achieve your desired goals and to take better decisions. Those objectives are certainly be supported by the financial goals across various cities like in US it’s Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, Columbus, New York, Washington DC, Atlanta, San Francisco, in UK it’s London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Glasgow, Coventry and in China its Beijing, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hubei etc. The Factsheet Inc. being one of the eminent outsourcing financial planning firms will provide you the exact thing as per your demand all together paying attention towards the momentum of market.

We as financial planning and analysis solution providers offer services like business growth advisory, M&A Transaction advisory, funding, reporting and monitoring. We provide these services for all startup, private and listed companies across the globe in various countries like US, UK, China, France, Switzerland, Europe, Australia, UAE, Germany, Hong Kong, India etc. Financial planning and analysis services are helpful in enhancing the company’s performance with the help of various strategies and useful business insights. FP&A is a vast concept that is responsible for maintaining the health and financials of the company.

As the market is quite uncertain and every day, we face upcoming new trends, so there is a need of a lot of financial planning and analysis and we the team of Factsheet Inc., financial planning and analysis service providers help our clients in financial planning process and in taking decisions by keeping in view the latest trends and market volatility. Basically, the whole concept of FP&A can be shortly summarized into four steps and those are: Financial planning, financial budgeting, financial forecasting, and financial analysis. We do the in-depth market research, utilize the available internal and external resources, gathers data, and accordingly work forward. We also perform variance analysis, feasibility analysis to check the performance of the company.

Business Growth Advisory

Every company wants to grow its business and due to market ups and downs it becomes way more difficult to trace the pace of market trends. So, for that our business growth advisory service takes it role to play so that our clients could handle the waves of market easily. Under business growth advisory service, we make:

  • Business plans and modeling: We as one of the top 3 financial planning and analysis companies gathers data and interprets the raw information through templates and surveys. We follow goal-oriented approach. We do the research of historical financial data, gathers information from internal and external stake holders and study macro and microeconomic factors affecting business environment. After that we get started with the corporate financial planning and financial modeling.
  • Budgeting and forecasting: Under financial planning and analysis service, for this segment we perform Top down and bottom-up forecasting. Forecast the company’s sales and it’s planned level of production. Then we forecast various other things like types of expenditures, selling, general & administrative expenses, balance sheet items, working capital needs etc. We among the top 5 financial planning and analysis companies do this with the help of various forecasting techniques such as moving average, regression analysis etc. After that the process of budgeting comes into role. We manage budget psychology, do budgeting control, track budget performance with variance analysis. We make use of various budgeting tools and techniques. And then at last we do capital budgeting process. This certainly helps to evaluate various investment decisions by applying various tools and strategies.
  • Industry and sector research: It’s very vital to perform industry and sector research for business growth advisory service because before studying the sector thoroughly we cannot assume the growth phase or depression phase. And for company to prosper there needs to be in-depth research done so that the client could accordingly invest and can expand its business. At many times, industry goes through challenges. The whole economy contracts and expands. So, it’s very important for investors and analyst to know the key period and we among the best outsourcing financial planning & analysis and best financial advisors extract the deepest knowledge for our clients which helps them to take feasible investment decisions.
  • Competitor analysis: For any business to grow, the main factor that becomes the hurdle is existing competition in the market. Competitor analysis helps to examine the various competitors, their positioning and market share in the market. It also helps us to know our product’s value proposition, that what different and authentic we can deliver in the market.
  • SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis refer to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Basically, SWOT analysis is conducted to know the best circumstances and aspects for the business. We do SWOT analysis so that our client should be aware of various weaknesses and threats that are already prevailing in the market and could harm or hamper the growth of business. Simultaneously we identify, Strengths and opportunities of the business so that we can make the best of investment opportunities available and could see through them what’s not yet explored by any competitor in the market.
  • Future growth strategies: After conducting all the research, our team of financial advisors proceed towards making future growth strategies. Our company Factsheet Inc., among top financial planning and analysis companies in Pune, are accountable for making future growth strategies for our clients. With the help of which they will get the required track and pace on which they could handle their cost and revenue drivers easily. We as best financial planning & analysis companies guide them that how they can achieve the desired heights of growth and success.
  • Business/Idea Valuation: We do Business valuations for our customers and there are numerous reasons to do so. Firstly, doing so builds a confidence among owner because with this they understand the current situation or condition more realistically. These valuations services are offered to clients to understand growth potential, to increase sales, to attract more investors, to take strategic decisions, for proper valuation of assets and for retirement plans. Business valuations and valuation reports gives a clear picture of the business and briefs about its chances of future growth.

M & A Transaction Advisory

We as outsourced financial planning and analysis companies, help our clients to find passive partners for their business which could scale their business to next level. We as financial advisors and top financial planning and analysis companies try to understand the business of our customer thoroughly and accordingly pitch to another firm in case our client wants any merger and acquisition deal or joint venture deal. We make sure that both the firms are in profitable stage and satisfied with each other because business is something that needs trust and hard work to achieve greater heights.

  • Merger & Acquisition: We help our clients to crack ideal Merger and acquisition (M&A) deals. We help them find identify right partners for their business. We do that by scrutinizing each aspect of both the businesses so that we can fulfil the exact need of our client. And for that we study various comparing companies, factors responsible for its growth potential, check industry regular updates and then we make decision for our M&A deal. We make sure that our client gets what it desires for.
  • Joint ventures: Joint venture deals are also done by factsheet Inc. For that we ensure that both are clients are eligible for each other’s criteria. We study the objectives and approach of both the businesses and then take the right action. We as one of the outsourcing financial planning and analysis companies try to make sure that the joint venture deals made at factsheet has the maximum growth potential.
  • Financial Modeling & Analysis: We, being the financial planning and analysis service providers renders comprehensive financial modeling and analysis service for our clients. We do financial forecasting by forecasting the business trends and evaluate its outcomes. Doing right financial forecasting and analysis is a very crucial step because market is so uncertain due to new upcoming trends and competitions. We the team of financial modelers assist the accurate financial modeling services across the globe in various countries like US, UK, China, France, Switzerland, Europe, Australia, UAE, Germany, Hong Kong, India etc. We also make financial planning and analysis project reports for better understanding of our clients.
  • Business valuation: Factsheet Inc. is one the leading business valuation companies in India. We assist our clients on various deals like M&A deals, joint venture deals etc. and for that we do in-depth business valuation by studying their business objectives, financial goals, and investment opportunities. We have a team of best professional and experienced people for your business valuations.
  • Due diligence: Factsheet being one of the best financial planning and analysis companies goes through the process of due diligence of the client’s business. Our professionals go through the process step by step thus valuing the business on certain facts and make due diligence reports. We try to maximize the business value by providing maximum investment opportunities and customized financial plans. We deeply study the company’s financials, its growth prospect, value proposition and market conditions so that our client remains aware of the full potential and growth opportunities.
  • Investor pitch deck: Investor pitch deck is something that gives the short summary of the business in one go. We prepare investor pitch deck for our customers in such a way that they get maximum investors and new investment opportunities for their business. We as top financial planning and analysis firm make sure that we conduct the whole research of market and as well as of company so that we can present it in front of investors with full transparency and accountability. We track down the problems existing and find its solutions to be shown in investor pitch deck, hence highlighting the market and sales strategies of the business. We make sure that the investor gets the whole picture of the business model in understandable terms.


We as top financial planning & analysis companies in India, provide Funding services to all start-up, listed and private companies across the globe. We as one of the funding companies help to fulfil the capital requirements by acquiring debt/equity/ crowd funding across the globe in various countries like US, UK, China, France, Switzerland, Europe, Australia, UAE, Germany, Hong Kong, India etc. We have various investors like Angel investors, Private equity investors, seed investors and venture capitalists and further also provide financial planning & analysis solutions to our customers.

  • Working Capital: We understand that companies need cash as working capital in hand to fulfil their daily money requirements in various operational expenses. So, we as one of the funding companies try to get investors for our clients who help them to pull all the stress regarding money and will help them to focus on their business.
  • Pre closure of existing Loan: We also help our clients who are imprisoned in the cycle of loan repayments. So, we help them to cut off the earlier loan by closing that and help them to raise further loan for their business needs.
  • Maintenance Capex: Few firms could need money for maintenance activities so we as top financial planning and analysis companies help them to execute their maintenance ideas so that they could extend their business goals and objectives. Maintenance capex is something that is highly needed in any firm because without upgradations and alimentation, our business cannot prosper. So, it’s very necessary for any firm to invest in maintenance to increase their scope.
  • New Product Development: New product development involves various stages and steps where’s their high requirement of money at each step. So, we do comprehensive financial planning and assist our clients by giving guidance as well as capex for their new product development. Because initial years of any new product are very crucial. It decides the success or failure at a very early age. So, its very important to create an image in the market so we need to do advertisement, branding, and marketing for the new product which in takes a lot of monetary help. And we as top financial planning and analysis companies are ready to help you for your new product development funding needs.
  • Merger & Acquisition: We as top financial planning and analysis firms being one of the funding companies, provide funds for mergers & acquisitions for our clients who want to join hands with other firms or who want to expand their business by acquiring some other firm. We as financial advisors help our customers to find their partner for their business which could relate with their business and can contribute equally.
  • Startup: We as financial advisors and funding companies, assist the startup companies because these kinds of companies need a lot of assistance in managing their activities, in making financial plans and financial analysis. So, we offer customized financial plans according to their business by doing SWOT analysis. We make porter’s five forces model and growth share matrix for our customers so that they can get better understanding of their business. And for analysis purpose, we help in their investment decision making process, evaluate various types of projects, guide in backward and forward integration for effective financial management.

Reporting And Monitoring

We are FINMA reporting services providers provides you the reporting and monitoring services which help the customers to understand their business more thoroughly. With this service, it becomes easy to evaluate the business in depth and understand its scope, strengths, opportunities, weaknesses etc. Monitoring service helps the clients to monitor their financial performance and helps them to achieve the desired targets.

  • Variance Analysis: With the help of variance analysis, we as financial reporting and monitoring services providers keep a track of things that what were the planned numbers and what are the actual numbers. This helps in further controlling process, because if we are getting high difference between planned and actual numbers then there’s a need of improvement in the execution process of business. Factsheet Inc. will closely examine the performance and management of the company through variance analysis and feasibility analysis.
  • KPI’s Calculation & Monitoring: One of the important metrics of evaluating the performance of a company is Key Performance Indicators. Factsheet takes the responsibility of estimating the financial performance by calculating KPI’s with which it can guide the company for better scope, effective results, and management. After KPI calculations, Factsheet Inc. being reporting and monitoring services company also monitors each step of the company so that in any case of issue or problem, Factsheet must be there with its client to go through the hurdle.
  • Analysis & respective actions: In any company, analysis part play quite a major role because with analysis one can get the true picture of the company. We do analyze the financial statements of company, apply appropriate measures for evaluating the financial results so that, it could be helpful in taking managerial decisions and setting the right strategies. And in case of any weakness, we also suggest respective actions to our clients to fill in those gaps.
  • Recommendations: We study the sector and market in depth for our company and get whole of the knowledge about industry. We also monitor the performance of company and accordingly give them recommendations which would help their business to achieve higher goals.
  • Reporting: We do FINMA reporting, Sec reporting, and regulatory reporting and comprehensive financial planning for our clients. We also cover other internal and external reporting to make sure that our client has the full update of its business.
  • Industry Regular updates: We keep in touch with industry regular updates thoroughly because the industry trends could lead to success or failure of a product in just one go. So, its very important to be updated all the time so that we can make our client aware about new investment opportunities prevailing in the market.



We are known for our reliability and truthfulness to provide high quality of services, which results a happy customer. Accuracy is our top priority.

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Data Security has always been important. We ensure that data is accessed by our authorized team only and adopt controls to protect you critical business information.


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An inclusive workplace, where individuals are recognized for their diversity and unique identities, is not only a competitive advantage but also a moral imperative, as it reflects the society we live in.

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Global services capabilities and delivered expertise for partners around the globe in helping win bigger deals and grow their business.

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