If you are seeking for fund for your business online, we can assist you because of our expertise in fundraising and financing, where we match you with various funding sources, angel investors, and connect you with VCs and other funding sources.


Capital funding is a financial technique used by firms to raise capital. It is often utilized when a firm need additional funds to operate or extend its operations. Capital can be obtained from a variety of sources, including individual investors, banks, and government bodies.

First, we make a funding strategy to identify the right amount to be raised and equity you need to give up if you need to secure angel investment or get VC funding. This is provided through our funding plan service. We also help entrepreneurs in putting fair valuation on their start-ups through our start-up valuation Service.

We also review your business plan to make sure it fits the bank or lender acceptance criteria.


When entrepreneurs raise funds in return for equity in their start-ups, this is known as equity financing. Seeking private investment is most frequently the first sort of financing sought by a startup, especially if bank capital is insufficient owing to a lack of track record.

Businesses should initially evaluate the following aspects when pursuing equity financing:

ü The amount of equity that is available.

ü The terms of the proposed investment.

ü The company's financial stability and track record.

ü The company's competitive environment.

Equity Financing: Mezzanine Financing for New Businesses

Mezzanine financing for start-ups is a type of financing that allows early-stage enterprises to raise funds from investors via the issuance of fixed-term debt securities. It is a two-step process in which the start-up first sells their shares in order to get start-up finance, and then utilizes the proceeds to develop and grow their firm. Furthermore, adopting mezzanine finance can lower the overall cost of beginning a business by using secured debt rather than releasing shares or cash right away.

There are several options for obtaining mezzanine finance for your startup. One option is to hire an expert business banker who can advise you on how to obtain the best conditions. Another possibility is to engage a financial vehicle such as an angel group, venture capital firm, or private equity firm.

Equity Financing: Equity Financing Strategies

Businesses utilize equity financing techniques to raise capital by offering investors shares of their company. With equity financing, the company hopes to receive a speedy inflow of capital as well as as take in the business from the investors. Convertible and non-convertible equity are the two primary sub categories of equity finance.

Equity that has the ability to be changed into common stock at a fixed price or after the fulfillment of specific requirements is known as convertible equity. This kind of equity protects the investment in the event that the business goes public or sells more shares than anticipated by granting the investor the right to purchase common stock at a predetermined price. 

Non-convertible equity is often based on earnings rather than share prices and has no defined price or expiration date. This form of ownership exposes investors to more risk while also allowing them to share in any possible reward if the business succeeds.

We assist you in selecting the best equity financing approach for your company's ambitions and objectives. The type of equity method and choice you have selected are taken into consideration.


The targeted markets and market trends are thoroughly analyzed and studied by market research services. In order to have enough knowledge about the possible clients and assess the sustainability of the service or product, they offer insight and fresh perspectives on the market.

To provide startups a competitive advantage over their rivals, we undertake business competitive analysis. To guarantee a successful product launch, our services also assist clients in identifying their specialty and new market prospects.

Market Research Service: Goals

ü Exploring market opportunities

ü Identifying potential competitors

ü Identifying potential customers


In order to stand out from the crowd and guarantee ongoing success, it's critical to understand your rivals in any industry. We assist business owners in conducting competitive research and gathering data that angel investors or other funding sources may require. We make care to research your competition on all fronts, taking into account their market, pricing strategy, industry, and other criteria as well as their strengths and shortcomings.

Business Competitive Analysis: Goals

ü Explain your immediate and indirect rivals

ü Identify the weaknesses of your rivals

ü Determine the advantages of your rivals

ü Define the tactics of your rivals

ü Offer business consulting to set you apart


When we develop a business plan for an entrepreneur looking for funding and needing assistance finding angel investors and connecting with venture capitalists, we perform a SWOT analysis of the company. The pitch deck that will be shown to angel investors or other potential financing sources will also include the SWOT analysis we do.

How can SWOT analysis help me catch investors' attention to my business?

We can help you in two ways:

1.  SWOT analysis is a crucial component of the business plan you create in order to present it to the angel investors you need to raise capital, and it helps them form a favorable opinion of you. Because of this, people will understand that you have thoroughly researched and comprehend your industry.

2.  Additionally, SWOT analyses help angel investors understand your company's capabilities, which motivates them to invest in your company. Additionally, highlighting your company's flaws together with the steps you intend to take to address them can draw investors' attention to your company.


It is possible to decide whether or not to proceed with a project by evaluating its practicality and viability and determining whether it is viable or not based on data and analysis through the use of a feasibility research analysis, which is a study carried out as part of project management. Before making any significant company, adjustments or beginning any new business ventures, data collection, essential analytics, and results analysis are all prerequisites. Making data-driven decisions begins with determining your ROI and the expenses associated with your company project with the aid of an accurate and thorough feasibility study.